Week 7
2022/11/07 - 2022/11/13
1. Reinforcement Learning
Trade-off between exploration and exploitation.
1.1 Tabular Solution
The state and action spaces are small enough for the approximate value functions to be represented as arrays or tables.
- Finite Markov Decision Process
- Dynamic Programming
- Monte Carlo Methods
TD learning combines some of the features of both Monte Carlo and Dynamic Programming (DP) methods.
- Temporal-Difference Learning
- n-step Bootsrapping
1.2 Approximate Solution Methods
Problems with arbitrary large state spaces.
Prediction Task: Evaluate a given policy by estimating the value of taking actions following the policy.
Control Task: Find the optimal policy that gets most rewards.
On-policy: Estimate the value of a policy while using it for control.
Off-policy: The policy used to generate behaviour, called the behaviour policy, may be unrelated to the policy that is evaluated and improved, called the estimation policy.
- On-policy TD Prediction
- TD(0)
- On-policy TD Control
- Off-policy TD Control
- Q-Learning
- Dyna-Q and Dynq-Q+
- Expected SARSA
- Policy Gradient Methods
- Actor-Critic
- Advantage Actor-Critic (A2C)
2. Webots Simulator (ROS2)
Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning.