Week 1
2022/09/26 - 2022/10/02
Whether black-box attacks are real threats or just research stories?
MLSys 2023:
- Paper Submission: Friday, October 28, 2023 4pm ET
- Page Length: Up to 10 pages long, not including references (10 + n)
Black-box attacks rely on queries but attacking real-world image classification models in cloud services could cost 20,000 to 50,000 queries for a single attack, which means attacking a single image could cost $480 - $1200 and 5-14 hours (Ilyas et al.) and the attack is not guaranteed to succeed (the success rate is not 100%).
The following evaluation metrics are important for black-box attacks:
- Success Rate: Initial research focused on improving the success rate.
- Number of Queries: Recent research interests shifted to reducing the number of queries.
- Time Cost: I notice that reducing the number of queries is not the only way to accelerate black-box attacks (also possible via distributed queries).
In a survey paper (Bhambri et al.), black-box attacks are classified into:
- Gradient-based Methods
- Local Search
- Combinatorics
- Transferability
For black-box attacks against cloud services:
- The more queries we sent simultaneously, the faster the attack is.
- Do we need to start from scratch every time we attack the same model?
- Experiments: we shouldn't assume access to pre-processing methods.
Week 1 - Week 5 (Total: 5 weeks)
Week 1:
Local Search
- SimBA (2019)
- Square Attack (2020)
Week 2:
Gradient Estimation
- Limited Query (2018)
- Bandits (2019)
The Draft for MLSys 2023. (Introduction)
Week 3: The Draft for MLSys 2023. (Methodology)
Week 4: The Draft for MLSys 2023. (Experiment)
Week 5: Revision & Submission.